New Year New Rules – Veikkaus Introduces Mandatory Identification for All Products

    Article by : Milena Petrovska Jan 10, 2025

    Veikkaus, the betting agency owned by the Finnish government, has launched a unique initiative. Namely, the operator set a global precedent by requiring identification checks on all its online and offline gaming platforms.

    The new rule is already in full force, considering its day of coming into effect was the 1st of January.

    While it is a first-of-its-kind requirement, the new rule expands on a prior one, which was presented in 2023. In that case, coupon games like eurojackpot and lotto were covered by the mandatory identification.

    This firm move is in line with the Lotteries Act, in force from 2021. It’s aimed to reduce gambling-related harm, guarantee reliable age verification, and promote a safe gaming environment.

    Serves Multiple Purposes

    Veikkaus’ new ID verification system protects against underage gambling and also enables the agency to identify and act on high-risk gambling behavior. It was introduced to serve more than one purpose.

    Players can now monitor their overall play history.

    Moreover, scratch cards have been added to yearly loss limits as well as game suspensions for the first time. To buy scratch cards, customers need to show valid identification documents such as an ID card or a driver’s license. Kela cards or even a Veikkaus mobile card were also mentioned as acceptable ID verification means.

    The move will ensure that no underage customers will purchase scratch cards, which are among the Veikkaus products.

    Even with the mandatory ID for purchases, the usual lottery winnings claim process stays the same. As Ville Venojärvi, the leader of lottery games at Veikkaus, said, the original card still works as the golden ticket for prize claims.

    The past Christmas season showed that the introduction of these checks did not affect sales. Lottery tickets bought in 2023 can be claimed without any ID verifications until the end of this year.

    Susanna Saikkonen, Veikkaus’ Responsibility Director, emphasized the importance of this achievement.

    She commented on the move, reminding everyone how, starting from 2024, Veikkaus would be the world’s first gaming company to demand identification in all online and offline channel games.

    Lots of Changes Ahead for Veikkaus

    Veikkaus’ groundbreaking steps, intended to foster responsible gambling and guarantee a safe playing environment, establish a standard for gambling companies worldwide. Yet, that’s not all the company has been doing.

    In fact, other novelties were introduced by the operator as it has been preparing for its monopoly to end.

    For example, a supplementary lottery has been presented as a new product, expanding the winning chances of participants. Supplementary lottery draws will take place every day and give a second chance of winning to losing tickets.

    More precisely, five prizes of €1,000 each will go to random holders of losing tickets.

    In November 2023, Veikkaus started a partnership with OpenBet to improve its fixed-odds offering. An update of the Live Bet and Pitkaveto products was included in the deal, as well. These improvements should go live by the end of this year.

    On the negative side, Veikkaus has announced the closure of several venues, among which the legendary Casino Tampere stands out.

    In addition, the company informed the public of its division into three separate units. One of those is focused on offering land-based domestic games of chance, while another one is for the online sector. The third and last one is the international unit, revealing plans to enter foreign markets.

    All these steps work towards ensuring the prosperous future of the operator ahead of the opening of the Finnish gambling market in 2026.