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    How To Shoot Dice In Craps

    How to Shoot Dice in Craps

    Article by : Olha Lammer May 10, 2022

    The gambling industry continues to actively develop. Hundreds of land-based gambling establishments appear in the world every year, as well as thousands of online casinos. Potential clients of such companies are interested in earning additional profit by playing various directions of gambling games. This can be slots, roulette, poker, etc. However, even for those users who are as far away from the world of gambling as possible, dice are immediately associated with a popular game since shooting craps rules are simple and accessible.

    Craps has a history of thousands of years. If you believe different sources, then threw the six-sided dice in ancient Egypt. Interestingly, it is not known precisely where the name “Craps” is. In most cases, people who are interested in this question claim that it is a combination of the number “1”, falling on two dice. They visually resemble the eyes of a crab.

    This line of gambling got a new round of popularity after it appeared on the tables of gambling establishments in the United States. Local users liked the opportunity not to dwell on the analysis of the rules because the features of shooting dice could be understood in a few minutes. The convenience of this game is that you can bet against the dealer, as well as against your friend if you decide to play a few games for money or excitement. In the end, the winner is the player who has the maximum number on all the dice. Rules are slightly different depending on the type of game.

    Learn the Rules

    If the gambler decides to try to play craps against acquaintances, they can decide for themselves how the gameplay will take place. In turn, joining the gambling table in a casino is necessary to obey the rules, which have been formed historically, or with some amendments from the institution.

    Interestingly, even though the game usually uses two dice, the gambler can make a lot of betting options. By analogy with roulette. For example, it can be:

    1. Win. This option will suit players who expect to win after the first round. In such a situation, gamblers should count on a winning situation on a roll of 7 or 11, as well as on a point 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.
    2. Lose. Craps is an interesting game because you can make a profit here even on a winning combination. To do this you need to make a bet on a roll of 2, 3, or 12 on the first roll.
    3. Bet on 6 or 8. Calculated by odds of 1.5. The peculiarity of this type of bet is that the specified numbers should fall out earlier than 7.
    4. Come. If the player assumes that the first roll of the dice will be winning, then he should select this bet option. If, however, he assumes that it will be a losing option, then you have to bet on don’t come.
    5. Field. This bet allows you to profit immediately from the fall of the seven numbers, namely 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 11. It is they are listed in the corresponding field.

    Rules of each variation of craps are different from each other, but the basis remains identical. Consequently, before switching to a new version of the classic game, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances.

    How Do Bets Work?

    Beginners who have not previously engaged in gambling and do not know how to properly roll the dice should familiarize themselves with the algorithms of betting. It consists of performing the following actions:

    1. A person decides in what format he wants to play craps: on the street, in a gambling establishment, or through an online casino site. Each of these options has its nuances.
    2. If we talk about the classics, namely, visiting a real casino, the player must join the gaming table.
    3. When the dealer announces the start of a new game must make their bet. Possible options are listed above. Do not forget that, depending on the probability of a winning combination depends on the coefficient.
    4. If the user manages to make a correct bet, he gets chips, which he can later exchange for real money. Otherwise, he gives the dealer all the chips transferred to the bet.

    In general, the process is as similar as possible to other games available to customers of gambling establishments.

    What Is the Difference Between Street Craps and Casino Craps?

    Perhaps, almost everyone has seen the old movie scenes where players on the streets throw dice, betting against each other. Of course, this format of the game is fundamentally different from the version familiar to visitors of land-based casinos and online gambling sites. However, Street Craps continues to be popular even now. Below are the most obvious differences between the classic and street version of the game.

    Street Craps Casino Craps
    There is no attendant and in fact, there is no dealer. Fixed rules, the player can not affect them.
    Bets are placed directly between the players. The presence of a facilitator, who explains the rules to the playing table and announces the start of the process, is obligatory.
    The list of rules is determined by the players, and they control their implementation. Professional equipment, the full-fledged atmosphere of gambling.

    Even more different from the above options for playing Craps bets on online casino sites. There, except in the live section, there is an interaction between the gambler and the system. That is, there is no real communication with other users. Also, many clients of gambling platforms doubt the reliability of algorithms for falling out winning combinations.

    Learn the Terminology

    For the player not to have problems in the process of betting, he must understand the terminology. After all, dice may seem easy only at first glance. This game has many nuances. If we define the most popular terms, it is worth stopping at the following:

    1. The Shooter is the player charged with the responsibility of rolling the dice.
    2. Come out Roll is the first dice roll on the playing table. Interestingly, if you roll a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 during this round, the round automatically ends. Players who roll a 2, 3, or 12 lose. Exactly this situation is called Craps. In turn, those participants of the game table, who received a 7 or 11 have the opportunity to continue. This situation is called Neutral. The winning bets are paid to the players, while the rest of the money is taken by the host.
    3. Dealer – A common name for the host of gambling in the casino. It was he who manages the process and interacts with participants.
    4. The Point – a situation where the round resulted in 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. In this case, a chip is put on the table with the inscription On, which means the continuation of the round (Point Roll). In this case, the process continues until the player wins or loses. That is when the Off token appears, signifying the end of the round.

    Naturally, users will need some time to understand the nuances. In general, the rules of this game are much easier than the same roulette, especially if the gambler chooses the classic options.

    How to Shoot the Dice in Casino

    Naturally, unlike playing with friends, the process in the real casino is conducted at professional gaming tables in strict accordance with the rules established by the company. As a rule, the rules that have been relevant to Craps for the last decades are taken as a basis. An important role the gambler plays dealer. It is he who makes decisions at the table and announces the winner. However, in addition to the dealer at the gaming table, there are other participants. Their number can be up to 24 if we are talking about a large table. Depending on their bets, the player can significantly increase their financial situation if they take the bank. Each participant acts as a shooter. This is the player in charge of throwing the dice.

    Dice Setting

    The main goal of every player is to make a financial profit. Therefore, they are looking for all possible options to increase the probability of winning. Now, a popular strategy is “Dice Setting”. Its peculiarity lies in the initial position of the dice before throwing. Throwing them at the same time with identical speed can significantly reduce the chance of a roll of seven. As a rule, the following positions are the most productive:

    • 6-6;
    • 4-3;
    • 3-3;
    • 2-2;
    • 4-4.

    This approach does not level out the risks but allows players to hope for the final profit.

    Dice Control

    This is one of the most popular theories about Craps. Many users assume that by correctly choosing the strength of the throw, you can influence what number will fall out in the end. Naturally, seriously consider this strategy can only be in the format of street games, or bets concluded in the land-based casino. After all, the gambling platforms’ algorithms fall numbers formed not by the force of the throw, but by activating a random number generator.

    Many prognosticators are doubtful about such methods of gambling, even though the same Dominic Lo Rijo was able to throw 56 times in a row dice without a roll of 7.

    Most often, experienced players claim that the best chance to minimize the risks of losing combinations will be when the dice is turned with a “V” and the number “3” is on the outside.

    Naturally, to learn how to influence the process, the player needs to spend a lot of time.

    How to Train at Home?

    As practice shows, experienced players have a distinct advantage over those users for whom the gambling industry continues to remain a mystery. First of all, this is because the user who has an idea about the realities of the gameplay with a greater degree of probability will be able to stop in time or choose the best strategy for gambling. If we talk about craps, the training at home is possible and even necessary. At this time it is necessary to pay attention to the following how-to-shoot dice rules and details:

    1. Analyze different betting tactics. It is interesting that for effective participation in dice throwing, the familiar to many Martingale Strategy and Fixed Bet can help. First, if the gambling establishment has high payout limits, will allow making a profit under any conditions. The second, in turn, will allow keeping the game bank afloat.
    2. Work on controlling emotions. Many players have failed precisely because of betting on wah-bank or making rash decisions in the process. To solve these problems, it is necessary to become familiar with the psychological features of gambling. If a player realizes that he is not able to control his gambling, it is better to refuse to bet.
    3. Analyze the most productive types of craps. This can be easily done by clients of the online casino. The fact that all software added to the site gambling platforms has an indicator such as RTP. The higher it is, the less advantage the system has over the user. For bets in the land-based institutions can also calculate the probability of falling out of a winning combination. Most users prefer to bet on equivalent events.
    4. To determine how much time and money is optimal to allocate to one playing session. To increase the probability of the final profit, it is desirable not to get hung up on one game, no matter how simple different variations of Craps may seem.

    The more often the gambler will pay attention to the preparatory process, the greater his chances of ultimate success.

    Practice and Refinement

    First, it’s worth mentioning that even the most skilled shooters can use the knowledge of how to shoot craps only to make the gameplay smooth and meet the game’s rules, but it’s impossible to provide certain outcomes and use these skills for cheating. Yet, this skill is still of a high importance, be it a game with friends or a visit to a professional gambling hall.

    Among the tips which can help players master craps shoot, we can highlight regular practice to build confidence and develop muscle memory. It’s a good idea to set up a convenient practice area and establish a routine to gain the skill. The following methods can help with this:

    • The right equipment will help you imitate the real gambling hall, so it’s worth getting a craps table layout or a craps practice rig. If you find this option expensive, feel free to create a DIY table.
    • Actually, the area for practicing also should be convenient since you need to have enough space to learn how to shoot dice and not to feel inconvenient when trying out different techniques.
    • You can try out different types of throws like On-Axis (throwing the dice parallel to the table), Off-Axis (dice wobbling), and Controlled Shots (shooters try to get a specific number, but keep in mind that it’s against rules and you can learn this just for fun).
    • As for the practice techniques, these can be Grip (trying out different grips), Spin (shooters spin the dice), and Bouncing (people bounce the dice off the wall or the rig).

    As for some more tips on how to shoot dice at the casino and master this action, we can recommend target practice when a shooter sets a certain target on the craps table and tries to roll out this number, slow-motion throws to analyse the technique in detail and correct it if necessary, and practicing with a partner to create a realistic atmosphere.

    Etiquette and Casino Guidelines

    When the ‘how does shooting dice work?’ question is resolved, it’s time to examine the next issue associated with the casino etiquette when shooting the dice. For example, when you shoot the dice, handle it with only one hand to avoid dice switching risks. As for dealing with dealers and other players, remember not to interrupt the game while the dice is in play to buy in your chips.

    Your current chips should be organized accordingly, so make sure to keep the stacks neat. Of course, players need to treat dealers and players with respect, so you should avoid offensive language or aggressive behaviour, even when the game’s results don’t suit you. And basically, the rules for shooting dice should be based on fair gameplay, so remember to avoid cheating options of any kind.


    Is it possible to control the dice?

    Some users believe that they can influence the falling out of certain numbers in the game of craps if they choose the right gambling strategy. Yes, perhaps the corresponding opinion has a right to exist in the street version of the game. However, it is hard to imagine that large casinos do not anticipate the client’s desire to influence the gameplay. That is, you largely need to rely on your luck, as well as the statistical probability of a particular combination. On Internet gambling sites everything depends on the algorithms, which have no access to third parties.

    Many players prefer this direction of gambling for the reason that the game of dice is intuitive and does not require much time to familiarize themselves with the rules. Naturally, not all prognosticators are ready to register at an online casino or visit a land-based gambling establishment. Accordingly, players get together to throw dice. Does the question arise about whether such a form of the game is legal? As long as we are not talking about betting with real money, then no one can prohibit street craps. However, as soon as players decide to switch from chips to betting for money, then, depending on the location, this format may be considered illegal. Consequently, it is necessary before the player to get acquainted with the legislation of the country (region) and make a decision on the advisability of such leisure activities.

    Do I need to train to roll the dice?

    If you analyze specialized gambling articles, you can conclude that success in the casino is realistic only if you improve your gaming skills daily. In a sense, this statement deserves attention. The study of algorithms falling out of the maximum combination of numbers in the game Craps allows the player to count on a stable profit. On the other hand, one should not forget that a lot of gambling depends on luck. It is important to train not only the skills but also to work on controlling your gambling. Otherwise, it can lead to the loss of the bank.

    What are the basic rules for rolling the dice?

    Today, there are many dice variations available to players. If we talk about the classic rules of the game, they are intuitive, even for the beginner. Multiple players can participate in the drawing. They have to take turns throwing a certain number of dice. Most often, their number varies from one to six. When all participants have thrown the dice, the winner is determined. In most cases, the winner is the player who has the maximum number of dice.

    Everyone who plays must shoot the dice?

    No. Today, a huge number of games are available to users, and therefore not necessarily on craps. Land-based gambling establishments, as well as thousands of online casinos, offer their customers a variety of slots, table games, roulette, etc. To get the most out of gambling, you need to understand the rules and nuances of each game, regularly improve your skills, and analyze betting strategies.

    1. How to Win at Craps?
    2. Best Craps Strategies
    3. Craps Odds & Payouts Explained
    4. How the Craps Table Works
    5. How to Play Craps
    6. Real Money Craps Online
    7. Live Craps
    Olha Lammer

    Hi everyone! My name is Olga, I'm a Creative Manager at SlotsUp. My passion is the online casino industry. I've been working in iGaming for about 4 years. I love to make colorful blogs. All my reviews have additional images and in-game screenshots to provide more information on the topic.