Mgm Casino Ceo Scaled

    Bill Hornbuckle Was Finally Confirmed As CEO Of MGM

    Article by : Helen Aug 4, 2020
    Updated: Dec 21, 2021

    After 4 months in the interim CEO position, Bill Hornbuckle finally got the long-awaited post from MGM Resorts International and became a permanent CEO. According to the board of directors, Hornbuckle will be able to take up his duties immediately as he has served as interim CEO since March.

    Before finally confirming Bill Hornbuckle as permanent CEO, the company’s management held a nationwide competition to find the most suitable candidate to meet all the requirements of the board of directors. Board officials also noted that after reviewing all the candidates, all members unanimously agreed that Hornbuckle was the best fit for the job. Bill proved himself to be an interim director, even in the most challenging times. Perhaps that is why his candidacy remained the most promising.

    It is worth noting that during the break due to the pandemic, Hornbuckle passed a tough leadership test and coped with the tasks. Besides, due to the unique experience gained in the casino, Bill has a sufficiently in-depth knowledge of the market and the necessary recognition and support from all employees, partners, and shareholders. Having demonstrated his leadership skills during the pandemic, the newly minted CEO became one of the priority candidates for the board of directors and shareholders.

    Hornbuckle may not fully understand what kind of results the casino has achieved in recent years. However, he clearly showed that he exactly knows what to do and when. Meanwhile, the CEO himself said that the post of the director is a great honor for him. He will make every effort to achieve the fastest possible recovery of indicators and ensure income growth.

    The press release, published by MGM Resorts, also states that Bill will take all the necessary measures to take care of the thousands of employees faced with a difficult situation related to the pandemic. The CEO also announced that he will remain committed to the company’s mission to the end and will provide the highest level of hospitality to take care of guests’ safety from all over the world.

    While the pandemic’s real impact is yet to be witnessed in 2020, the new CEO is optimistic and committed to his core values ​​to the end.

    The casino will make sure guests and staff feel as safe as possible and enjoy all the opportunities MGM has to offer.

    Bill Hornbuckle, CEO and President of MGM Resorts International

    One of the main steps demonstrating Bill Hornbuckle’s excellent leadership level was the successful negotiations with the Culinary Union. Instead of litigating a controversy, the top-visionary CEO held a series of meetings and discussed potential employee concerns and measures to keep visitors safe.

    An equally important announcement was that Hornbuckle is ready to strategically diversify to achieve the required profit growth faster. As a reminder, MGM’s management decided to jointly invest $450 million with GVC in one of its most promising online platforms.

    For many visitors, Las Vegas is very often associated with the MGM Grand. The history of the Vegas gambling establishment dates back to 1991 when the decision was made to expand the luxury Marina hotel on a large scale. After constructing the new building, MGM instantly gained popularity nationally and became synonymous with Las Vegas itself.

    However, if you remember history, the very first MGM Grand hotel was opened back in 1973. Believe it or not, the budget for the new hotel was a whopping $106 million. The same amount of investment in recalculation for today is 560 million dollars! After successfully selling this asset, MGM moved to Vegas and actively expanded its activities to the fullest.